Building an Open, Inclusive and Interconnected World for Common Development

Zou Lei Attends Opening Ceremony of International Forum, Visits China Datang's Subsidiaries in Laos...

Zou Lei Meets with Lao President Thongloun Sisoulith

Liu Mingsheng Holds Talks with Darmawan Prasodjo, President of PLN

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The desulfurization project of India Cuddalore thermal power station

O&M of 2 × 660MW Payra coal-fired project in Bangladesh

China's Foreign Aid in energy sector of Sao Tome and Principe

Myanmar Dapein I Hydropower project(240MW)

Cambodia Stung Atay Hydropower Station(120MW)

Cambodia power grid project(Phnom Penh-Pursat-Battambang)

Indonesia Meulaboh Power plant (2X225MW)

EPC of Thailand NPP9 Biomass Project

The desulfurization project of India Cuddalore thermal power station

O&M of 2 × 660MW Payra coal-fired project in Bangladesh

China's Foreign Aid in energy sector of Sao Tome and Principe

Myanmar Dapein I Hydropower project(240MW)

Cambodia Stung Atay Hydropower Station(120MW)

Cambodia power grid project(Phnom Penh-Pursat-Battambang)

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